DIMOO, the beloved POP MART character known for its whimsical charm, has been named the Special Friend of the China-Thailand Golden Jubilee in a heartwarming celebration of friendship and cultural unity.
This landmark event marks 50 years of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand, highlighting the enduring bond and mutual respect shared by the two nations. DIMOO’s role as the Special Friend brings an extra layer of joy and creativity to the festivities, symbolizing the universal values of love, friendship, and connection.
POP MART invites fans and communities worldwide to join in celebrating this golden milestone. Through DIMOO, they aim to spread positivity and commemorate this historic relationship, showcasing the power of art and culture to bridge nations.
Stay tuned for exciting updates, events, and activities that honor this remarkable partnership. Together with DIMOO, let’s continue spreading love and joy across borders! 💛
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